The southeast has experienced varied weather this week, with strong winds and some rainfall.

Terri Lang, a meteorologist with Environment Canada, said this can be expected at this time of year.

“I think the last couple of years we’ve gotten used to having dry springs, and those are very atypical. A typical spring is showers, thundershowers, some winds, a little bit of sun here and there. That’s what we should be getting in the springtime and early summer,” said Lang. She noted that the strong winds are an exception.

“There was a big low-pressure system that started moving through the province on Monday, made its way into Manitoba, deepened, which is the reason why we got the really strong winds and then just continued to spin around northwestern Ontario and then back into Manitoba,” said Lang. “It's still hanging around, so that's why we're still seeing the wind. This is the pesky system that won’t seem to go away.”

Over the weekend, there will still be some windy moments, but they will not be as strong as earlier in the week explained Lang. 

“Today will be the last really strong wind day, and then it’ll just be the regular Saskatchewan winds after that,” said Lang. “It’s going to try to be sunny, but we have to again get rid of this particular weather system. So, Saturday still looks kind of unsettled, maybe some showers floating around and a bit more wind.”

Sunday's weather looks to be clearing up, with warmer temperatures expected next week.

“Then once we get the heat with all the moisture sitting around, we usually end up getting showers or thundershowers,” said Lang.