Volunteer firefighters gathered in Tribune on the weekend to learn about wildfire suppression from representatives of the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency. 

Risa Erickson the protection officer for Cypress Hills protection base and works for SPSA said that this awareness course is offered to many different levels of government and First Nations, contractors but with this course it is a specific focus on volunteer fire departments. 

She said the course aims to teach the departments the tools to think about when they are dealing with an approaching wildfire. This is not a course on how to fight fires, but rather a way to control them.  

“Especially when we’re dealing with grass fires, which tends to be very hot, fast-moving fires and how we can do that in a safe manner, and keep everyone safe,” said Erickson. 

To receive training of this nature the fire departments can request SPSA, and they will send out a couple of members out to facilitate the course. 

“We really appreciate that Tribune has asked us to come out and do that because it’s great for us to get out and meet people and see what they are doing.” 

She added that it is also a great opportunity for the firefighters to ask questions and receive information that can be useful if and when this kind of situation arises. 

There were around 30 volunteer firefighters in attendance at the awareness course. The bulk came from Tribune, and a few came from the Torquay fire department