Calling all adventure enthusiasts aged 12 to 18! Don't miss the Air Cadet Open House for an exciting peek into the world of aviation and leadership.

Captain Connie Hagel, Commanding Officer of the Air Cadet squadron, shared, "We're excited for it! It's something that we do every year to get interest in the air cadets."

With activities like aviation, marksmanship, and survival training, the Air Cadet Program offers a chance to pursue your dreams. Captain Hagel highlighted, "You can get your power pilot's license and even your gliding license."

Prospective cadets and parents can expect interactive sessions, led by experienced seniors. Captain Hagel mentioned, "Our seniors will show new recruits what it's all about."

The Open House will feature Captain Hagel's presentation on the program's essence, followed by registration. The program aligns with the school year, starting in September and ending around May.

Save the date: September 5, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, at the Wylie-Mitchell Building to explore the incredible Air Cadet opportunities!

Estevan Air Cadets Open House