Hail dropped hard onto Estevan last night as part of a storm system that stretched across the southern part of the province.

Reports of large hail came in from a multitude of locations between Gravelbouyurg, which is Southwest of Moose Jaw, and Estevan.

Environment Canada Meteorologist Stephen Berg says that the system produced some sizable hail.

"There were quite a few storm reports, including one of baseball-to-softball-sized hail in the Estevan area. Quite a few other severe hail reports as well across the province. 15 apart from Estevan's very large Hail storm, some golf-ball-sized hail near Gravelbourg, as well as some unconfirmed tornado reports in the province. One around Gravelbourg as well, but also some around the Martinsville area, just to your northwest."

Multiple areas also saw power outages over the night thanks to hail.

Tornado reports around the province hinted at a tornado, but Environment Canada doesn't have any more information yet.

"Nothing confirmed," said Berg. "We'll have to do some investigation to check the damage and see whether it might be a straight-line wind event. It's a possibility, but yeah, just have to keep doing some checks on the ground."

Berg says while it's not uncommon to see a system stretch out last night was quite the storm.

"It's not uncommon for a severe thunderstorm like that to last a little while and bring a wide-ranging impact. But this was quite a storm system alright, with the size of the hail reported in Estevan, it's quite astounding actually." 

While we have more rain in the forecast lasting until Thursday, Berg says it's unlikely those will turn out similarly to last night's heavy hail.