Combating the hot summer temperatures when driving isn’t the only safety precaution that parents should focus on. Checking your child’s car seat, or booster seat, on a routine basis is the best way to prevent any accidents that otherwise, could have been avoided.

Health Canada encourages parents to register new seats with the manufacturer after purchasing, as this is the only way to receive notifications of safety recalls.

Buying, and selling, second-hand seats are not recommended for the reason that the second owner would not receive these updates and has no way of knowing how the seat was cared for prior to their purchase.

Most manufacture’s expiry, or useful life span, is a minimum of six years with some as long as 10. In that time-frame, frequent use and exposure to sunlight can weaken plastic, spills of various substances can get into the webbing, buckles, and adjusters, damaging or preventing them from working properly.

Furthermore, child car seats and booster seats must be used within regulations outlined by Canada’s Motor Vehicle Safety Act. Failure to adhere to the regulations, as well as, the manufacturer's instructions, may result in being found guilty of breaking the law for putting your child's safety at risk.

There are however measures in place to avoid any mishaps related to car seat and booster seat safety. Through SGI, technicians are available to go through car seats and booster seats, to ensure all requirements are met and the functionality is tested.