During Mental Health Week, it is crucial to highlight mental health services and resources available to the public. United Way Regina's 211 service is an accessible and comprehensive resource that provides information and support to people across Saskatchewan seeking assistance for mental health, substance use, and other human services.

Kristin Nelson, director of community impact at United Way Regina, said the 211 service is a great resource for finding various support communities across Saskatchewan.

"Contacts and searches related to mental health are consistently among the highest reasons people connect with 211 for support," said Nelson. "In 2023, 19 per cent of contacts through our service navigators were related to mental health and substance use."

The service is available 24/7 and connects people to human service resources across the province. It provides key information about services, including program descriptions, eligibility, and hours of operation.

There are over 6,000 services and resources across the province covering a variety of needs, including counselling, food security, and childcare, among others.

"It's completely free to access and always confidential. Over the phone, people can access 211 in more than 175 languages, including 17 Indigenous languages, making it accessible and comfortable for people to access in the way that is most convenient for them."

Nelson added that 211 is a great place to start when searching for these services.

"If you don't know what you're looking for or where to find that information, navigating a complex network of supports can be challenging. 211 is here to ease that search process," said Nelson.