A missing child was found about 90 minutes after police became involved on Sunday night in Estevan.

Estevan Police Service Const. Craig Bird said they were called around 8 p.m. to help find the youth, who was of elementary school age.

By about 9:30 p.m., a friend of the child's called to let the searchers know where the child was.

"You never know with some of these things how they end up," said Bird. "Luckily we've got a good community here with good community support so people are able to help us out most of the time." 

Bird said in situations like these, police will fan out and check different places the missing person might attend, such as stores, schools, and friends' homes. They also have family members contact the child's friends.

"Through all of that, sometimes we get lucky and find a person out walking or in a vehicle or that sort of thing," said Bird. "And then sometimes we just get phone calls about the individuals from concerned citizens or one of their friends, for example, sees them and let us know where they are so that we can intervene and talk to them."

"It just depends on the circumstance and situation, how that person decided to go missing kind of dictates what kind of response we have."

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