With the long weekend approaching residents are reminded to keep safe driving in mind. 

"Every time the long weekend comes it's every police officers worst nightmare because we are always wondering "are we going to be dealing with another fatality." There's far too many fatal car accidents on long weekends not just in this province but through out the country," explained Estevan's Police Chief Paul Ladoucer. 

"We encourage people to plan ahead this weekend and obviously drive sober. Take your time and give your self plenty of time to get where you're going, there's no rush what so ever. People are often in a hurry to get to the lake and things like that, to save yourself 10 minutes and put yourself at risk and somebody else at risk is certainly not worth it. Obey the speed limit, drive sober and take your time getting home." 

Now that Summer is here people are out and about walking around or on their bikes. 

"For motorists out there pay attention, kids are unpredictable they're out having fun and sometimes they forget to look both ways. So it's our responsibility as adults and as experienced drivers to pay attention and watch for a bicycle out there on the road," he shared. 

"People really need to pay attention, as you approach crosswalks look to your left and right make sure  if citizens are approaching to slow down or stop and give them the right of way and pay attention. Those road lines on the road aren't just for decoration, they're there with a purpose and it's every motorists responsibility to obey those lines and stop and allow pedestrians to cross."

"Pay extra attention, Summer is here and it's not like Winter and there's a lot of people out on the street, there's a lot of bicycles out there and Motorists. Driving in the Summer is definitely different than driving the rest of the year, so in the Winter we have to pay attention to road conditions but in the Summer we really have to pay attention to pedestrians out there."