The Carbon Capture project has been a huge success since its launch back in October

One of the biggest projects of 2015 for SaskPower is the completion of the carbon capture test facility at the Shand Power Station.

Currently the project is on schedule to reach it's completion and they expect it to be ready in the late spring or early summer.

" We will allow different companies to come and test out their carbon capture equipment and technology. " said Media Relations with SaskPower Tyler Hopson when asked what will the steps following completion will be.

With the project coming along well SaskPower has announced they will be having an open house at the Shand Power station.

This will feature a couple of presentations, and tours of the facility.

The open house will be on Sunday April 12th from 1:00pm-4:00pm at the Shand Power Station and anyone interested in attending is welcome.