The summer is a great time for getting out and seeing some live music, but as with all things, before you get on the road you should make sure your armed with wits and common sense to guide you safely through your journeys.

We spoke with Corporal Rob King with the RCMP about some situations that can arise and how to deal with any encounter.

"I think with every music festival you always have to realize its a lot of people crammed into a small space and being considerate of each other will keep you out of trouble. Don't be that one campsite that everybody knows about because you're making a lot of noise and ruckus and drawing attention to yourselves."

You may find yourself in another part of the world, surrounded by others who may be a little too rowdy an want to a start some commotion. 

That's typical, but King assures that there is usually a great deal of police and security presence one can reach out toward. 

"I think you would want to be prepared for the weather if nothing else if its a hot day drink a lot of water and stay hydrated. Some of the worst injuries you find at music festivals are if people have overindulged and fallen asleep in the sun or something like that and you can get an awfully nasty burn pretty quickly."

Stay within the weather, if it's sunny or cold make sure you pack the proper supplies to for whatever given situation you will find yourself in. 

"If you are going there with other people make sure you have a plan of how to connect if you get yourself separated, keep your cell phones with you and keep them charged and basically just watch out for your buddies and use the buddy system." 

"Probably the most common problems are dealing with Intoxication, lack of judgment either by the person victimizing or the person being the victim. I think it's important to keep your wits about you especially among strangers and maintain some level of control and don't overindulge."

Be sure to drink responsibly and make the most of what could be a once in a lifetime experience.