The Estevan Police Service is in the public's eye as a report from the University of Regina has been released, taking aim at how Estevan perceives it's police force.

The study is composed of a series of 251 telephone surveys done between September 6 and October 5, 2023.

In the executive summary, the report finds that there was a slight decrease in the general perceptions of the Estevan Police Service from the previous results reported in EPS’ 2019 survey.

It stresses that the decrease must be considered in the context of comparable national and international studies, which saw most institutions take a hit in perception thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, with police particularly affected.

The report highlighted a few other points:

  • There has been a slight decline in the perception of visibility from the previous iteration of this survey; however, most respondents thought that EPS’ level of visibility and presence has remained consistent with only a small number of residents (3.7 per cent) indicating a decrease in visibility.
  • All measure of “Trust and Confidence” remained high with averages scores all over 4/5 on the 5-point scale. The vast majority (89.2 per cent) “somewhat agree” or “strongly agree” that they have confidence calling 911 in an emergency. Unlike other studies, having “contact” with police did not influence levels of trust and confidence.
  • The overall perception of safety in Estevan remains strong in 2023. Three-quarters (75.3 per cent) reported a positive feeling of safety in Estevan with only 4.2 per cent reporting feeling unsafe.
  • While there were some differences in the degree to which certain priorities were rated, the overall ranking of the priorities remained consistent for the most part. The top three priorities are: 1. organized/gang-related crimes (e.g., drug trafficking), 2. impaired driving, and 3. property crimes.
  • Over three-quarters (77.9 per cent) of participants reported that the overall quality of service provided by the Estevan Police Service was “very good”, or “excellent.”