A water main break in the Perkins Street area of Estevan has now led to a boil water advisory for the south half of the city. Anyone living south of the railroad tracks is ordered to boil any water that may be consumed. 

"The Saskatchewan Health Authority, Water Security Agency, and City of Estevan have announced that effective immediately, an emergency boil water order has been issued for the south side of the city of Estevan," said City EMO Coordinator Helen Fornwald. "The area affected is south of the railway tracks."

According to Fornwald, water must be brought to a rolling boil for at least one minute before drinking. She also said not to drink from any public drinking fountain supplied from the public water supply. Most drinking fountains have been closed anyway due to COVID-19. 

In addition, water should be boiled before teeth brushing or soaking false teeth, cooking where the water isn't significantly heated, washing fruits and vegetables, making ice, or mixing into other drinks. For dishwashing, dishes should be washed in a bleach solution. 

Adults, adolescents, and older children can shower or bathe in unboiled water as long as they can avoid swallowing it. Younger children and infants should be sponge bathed. In addition, you should consult with your physician before using the water if there is a severe cut on their body or a rash. Laundry can be washed in tap water if need be.

"This boil water order is issued due to a major water main break," said Fornwald, "and will not be lifted until the water supply is determined to be completely safe."