Kenosee Lake is set to host a marathon later this summer on the September long weekend which will be the first of its kind to come to the region.

The race will take place on Saturday Sept. 2.

"This is a first time thing, so hopefully many more to come," said Race Director Laura Sullivan. "It's been a big learning experience. It's been magical connecting with so many wonderful people around Kenosee. Meeting new people with the businesses, volunteers that are just willing to help support and share their love for the trails in Kenosee."

Sullivan said there are currently 100 people signed up and she hopes to get to 150 racers by race day. There's an option for a 5-kilometre race, 10-kilometre race, half marathon, and the full marathon. The most popular distance so far is the 10-kilometre race.

"And there is a walking section for the 5K, but yes it's welcome for all fitness levels, all ages," Sullivan said. "And then the idea too, if you aren't participating, that you're coming down and you're checking out the live music, the beer gardens, or hopefully we're going to be having some yoga going on."

Sullivan also touched on why she decided to bring the event to the Kenosee area.

"This is into the trails and in the trail running experience everybody's typically laid back and just loves the outdoors, and there is no more beautiful place to do it than Kenosee," she said. "So my vision there is just to create an unforgettable experience for participants who are registering, have that element of coming out and enjoying nature and getting active."

She also commented on the terrain that runners can expect.

"It's not too crazy of a trail run...I mean we do still live in the Prairies. It's nice and wide, they do groom those trails. Every week they come in with lawn mowers, so they're nice that way," said Sullivan, who has ran multiple marathons in her life. "But they are a little bit tricky with a little bit of elevation, but nothing too crazy."

Sullivan said she's crossing her fingers for good weather on race day.

"I know it is Saskatchewan so we're always chancing it, but we'll just hope that the weather gods are on our side."