One Estevan business has seen a lot of changes come and go, after being operated by the same family for over 40 years.

Senchuk Ford is the car dealership's current name, but it's been around as a dealership since at least the 40s when it was known as Holmgrem  Motors.

Randy Senchuk, whose father bought the business, says that it's been quite the long-lived location.

"The dealership started off in the I guess in the 40s I think, and it was Holmgrem Motors. Then my dad bought this dealership in 1980, and we've had it ever since."

While the business hasn't changed, a lot of their methods have been changing to fit in with the modern era.

That includes working as a business in the digital era.

"Certainly everything has changed, you know with computerization and everything else. When I first started out everything was pretty well manual, and now everything's done by computers," said Senchuk, "That's one thing about it that just changes all the time."

It's not just their practices that have changed - the lot has seen renovations and new buildings coming into the fold often.

Senchuk Ford recently built a new storage building and is now working on another addition on the south side that will also be used for storage - at least for the immediate future.

They're also working on renovations to the front, as a part of the change in design from the corporate side of Ford.

Senchuk says that those changes happen every 15-20 years, and thinks that the change is worth any trouble.

"Renovations are never fun they're always a bit of a headache. You know, I think the end result will be good and I think it'll be a positive step forward I think, we'll see what comes out in the end. It's always nice to freshen up things for a bit."