Students return to Saskatchewan classrooms this week, and the province is leaning on honesty in self-reporting among staff and students when it comes to positive COVID-19 cases.

The province issued the following chart for guidance regarding close-contact situations.

A chart outlining the protocol for close-contact situations with COVID

"Fully vaccinated students and staff who are close contacts will follow the current process of self-monitoring," said the province. "They are able to attend school and other activities as long as they remain asymptomatic. Fully vaccinated students and staff who test positive are required to self-isolate for five days.

"Students who are close contacts to cases in non-household settings (i.e. at school, daycare, public recreation activities) and not fully vaccinated are able to continue to attend school, take the bus and attend child care as long as they are asymptomatic. They are not permitted to attend any extra-curricular activities for the 10 days self-monitoring period. If the transmission occurred in the household setting, all unvaccinated students are required to isolate for 10 days, including not attending school or childcare.

"Staff members (teachers, educational assistants, bus drivers, etc.) who are deemed a close contact and not fully vaccinated MUST self-isolate for 10 days following last exposure."