The Salvation army's food drive over the weekend in Estevan resulted in a lot of food for the organization's food banks.

Over 1,000 pounds of food was collected over the week, with 800 pounds of that being collected during the all-day collection on Saturday.

The community ministries director of Estevan,  Ronza Reynard, says that this year's fundraiser was a bit different.

"This year doing it by ourselves, due to the covid restrictions, we thought it was a success because we had no idea what to expect. We're hoping to partner with other people as things start to lift," said Reynard, "But it was something that we thought was very successful."

"it's our first one doing it on our own, and I have to say it's been quite successful. Saturday we brought in just about 800 pounds of food, and earlier in the week we brought in 200 pounds of food, so we're at 1,000 pounds," said Reynard, "That really helps put some food on the shelves and helps us prepare for the summer months."

The food drive wasn't without a little bit of fun - Weyburn's foodbank held a drive on the same day and challenged Estevan to see who could get the most food in one day on Saturday.

"For the little healthy competition for that one day, Estevan came through," said Reynard, "So now we will be finding some outfits throughout the store here in Estevan and I will take them down and the Weyburn staff will wear those throughout the day.  I do believe somebody's going to be wearing a wedding dress."

Reynard says she's thankful for all of her volunteers and anyone who helps out during these tough times.

"I think we're in a very supportive community, our neighbors, our friends, our family might be struggling at this time," said Reynard, "Some people are not back to work fully, some are new to the community, and there is a need for the food bank. So when the community comes together whether that be through the food drive, dropping by with a cheque, or coming in with a case of soup or coffee, it helps us be there for the community."