The Estevan Police Service hosted a one-day Selective Traffic Enforcement Project (STEP) on June 26 in collaboration with other law enforcement agencies across the province.

The focus of STEP was to improve traffic safety, address observed traffic offenses, and identify vehicle deficiencies under the Saskatchewan Vehicle Equipment Regulations Act.

The following were the results of the program:

  • 171 vehicles were directed to the project location.
  • 28 tickets were issued under the Traffic Safety Act for:
    • Use of a cellphone while driving.
    • Failure to wear a seatbelt.
    • Intersection-related offenses.
    • Failure to comply with Vehicle Equipment Regulations.
  • 79 written warnings were issued for various Vehicle Equipment Regulation offenses.
  • 15 vehicle inspection notices were issued.
  • 66 mandatory alcohol screening tests were conducted, with all tests passing.
  • Two 72-hour driver’s license suspensions and one 21-day driver’s license suspension were issued in relation to cannabis consumption.
  • Three cannabis consumption-related impoundments.
  • Three car seats were provided to vehicle operators with children in expired seats.

In a media release, EPS extended gratitude to the other services that continue to prioritize traffic safety. Other groups that collaborated on the project included the Weyburn Police Service, Saskatchewan Highway Patrol, and SGI Traffic Safety Community Outreach, among others.